5 Hacks to Wake Up At 5:00 in the Morning Every Day

5 Hacks to Wake Up At 5:00 in the Morning Every Day

Learn how to be an early riser with the following simple daily hacks!

 Some people prefer being night owls, whereas others are early birds. However, your current day/night routine does not define who you are if you are looking for a change. If you are a night owl, and you wish to alter the night habits of yours and become an early riser, then congratulations, that’s doable! And it’s not as hard as you think. All you need to have is persistence and a little bit of patience.

1. Take it step by step:

When changing your sleep routine, that’s a huge step by itself. Don’t try to change too many things at the same time or you’ll end up doing nothing. As a starting point, just concentrate on the change of getting to sleep early.

2. Specify the “why”:

Your answer to the “why am I doing this?” the question must be clear. If you have a reason, you will have a motive, and it’ll be easier. Your reason can’t be general, be as specific as possible, and always repeat it to yourself.

3. See the good side:

Waking up early comes with uncounted benefits. For example, the extra few hours of the quiet “you” time can be enough motivation.

Plus, right after waking up, the prefrontal cortex is the most involved, making it perfect for innovation.

If you think you’re getting overwhelmed in this new change, try taking a break from it and then get back at trying with utmost motivation.

4. Get enough sleep:

Logically, sleeping well should be your main concern at this point. To wake up early, you may need to sleep more hours that you used to sleep, or less, it really depends on your personal body biological clock.

Hence, try to figure out how many hours of sleep you need each night to wake up active and well-rested.
Wearing comfy clothes like sleepshirts; will help you to have deep sleep.

5. Stick to a morning routine:

A well-planned morning routine will be your best buddy in this change. If you wake up not knowing what to do, you’ll be just wasting great morning hours.

Have a plan for a routine that suits your needs and matches your overall purposes.