Maternity Wear Dos and Don’ts

Maternity Wear Dos and Don’ts


When you’re pregnant, looking stylish may be the last thing you are thinking about. However, with a few considerations, you can make it so easy to look stunningly glowing with the little pump of yours!

Don’t run away from colors:

Pregnant women tend to stick to dark colors, especially black, based on the fact that darker colors make the body looks slimmer and fitter. Yet, some colors can actually flatter you up and let your pregnancy illuminate.


Do invest in good maternity clothes:

In preparation for all the changes that’ll happen to your body, you will definitely need a maternity clothes shopping spree. Make sure to invest in some good maternity jeans, maternity robes, and maternity home wear. Make “comfort” your number one factor and align it with your sense of fashion.


Don’t stick to over-sized outfits:

Oversized outfits are okay every now and then when you’re pregnant, but they most likely won’t look flattering on your body. Always check your alternatives as there are a lot of maternity options. Don’t deprive yourself from enjoying these few months of brilliance, it’s a chance that not everyone gets!


Do layer up:

Layering up your outfit will not make you look fat; that’s a myth. All you need to pay attention to is your proportions. Make sure you’re wearing the right amount of clothes in the right places. In addition, don’t be afraid of wearing tights; as long as they’re comfortable.


Do consider maternity accessories:

Maternity accessories such as belly wraps or  abdominal support belts can give you the needed support your body will need throughout your pregnancy. They can provide relief and prevent swelling, and they can also provide the outwear with protection from oils or creams you apply to your skin.


Learn how to prepare for “motherhood”!